As sales notifications bombard your inbox, we are taking a pledge to stay sustainable and to waste not, want not this Black Friday....
Instead of a sale, we've ran an exclusive Black Friday giveaway in partnership with another small business like ourselves. To support and to sustain.
So why is is it important to be a conscious consumer?
When you support small and sustainable businesses you can understand where your products are coming from and help to make a difference to the people and the planet.
Like our mats our ethics are to not harm the planet or the people on it.
The impact of this fast, heavy discounted consumerism has on the environment can be dangerous, which is why this year we are supporting local businesses like ourselves and remaining true to our sustainability pledge.
We want to lift up those who support us and those who work for us, by being fair all around.
You can find out more about our Black Friday Giveaway here.
Any sales and promos we do offer or have offered in the past will never impact the cost we pay our suppliers for the product or the wages of our workers.
Lets all come together to be more conscious consumers to help to protect the planet.
Love Wuufly x
