Maty Pro wykonane są z naturalnego, 100% biodegradowalnego kauczuku pokrytego warstwą poliuretanu. Ma gładką powierzchnię, która zapewnia znakomitą przyczepność przez cały czas praktyki.
Pro Maty są antypoślizgowe, antybakteryjne i odporne na pleśń!
Dwie warstwy połączone są za pomocą procesu termicznego, który eliminuje potrzebę stosowania toksycznych klejów.
Grubość 4 mm daje świetne wsparcie dla twojego ciała. Mata jest szersza i dłuższa niż maty standardowe, ponieważ sądzimy, że lepiej mieć jeszcze więcej miejsca na rozwój!

Sea Shepherd
At Wuufly we know how important the ocean is in everything that we do. It is our source of life, inspiration and one of the greatest wonders our planet has.
But we also know that the ocean needs our help.
As an eco yoga brand we want to do everything that we can to make sure we look after our planet. That’s why we are proudly sponsoring Sea Shepherd UK.
Our dream is that we can help the ocean to thrive, which is why we bring you the Wuufly eco Ocean Dream mat.
WUUFLY will donate 10% from each sale of our 'Ocean Dream' eco yoga mat to Sea Shepherd UK.
Sea Shepherd UK is a direct-action ocean conservation charity. Their mission is to defend, conserve and protect the world’s ocean and marine wildlife from illegal exploitation and habitat destruction.
Sea Shepherd UK specifically runs the following campaigns:
1. Operation Bloody Fjords in the Faroe Islands - documenting and expose the Grindadráp (locally known as a grind) hunts of around 850 long fined pilot whales, Atlantic white-sided dolphins and northern bottlenose whales (since 2016)
2. They operate four RHIBs around the UK - Ghost, Phantom, Shadow and Siren on patrols and campaign actions.
3. They manage and support a team of technical divers on Sea Shepherd UK’s Ghostnet campaign who are removing lost and discarded nets and other fishing gear from UK coastal waters.
4. They fund equipment used to clean beaches and recycle or dispose of recovered items on our ongoing Marine Debris Campaign.
5. Sea Shepherd UK carries out investigations around the UK into the killing of marine wildlife or destruction of coastal habitats.
You can follow Sea Shepherd’s activities via the main web page: www.seashepherd.org.uk (UK) or on any of the following:
Official Internet Pages:
Website: https://www.seashepherd.org.uk/
Webstore: https://seashepherduktrading.org/
JustGiving: https://www.justgiving.com/seashepherduk
Charity Choice: https://www.charitychoice.co.uk/sea-shepherd-uk